Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Take to be a Good Parent

Question: What does it take to be a good parent? Answer: The bond of a child with his parent is one of the beautiful relationships in this world. This bond is full of affection and love. However, there are instances, in which kids do not share a pleasant relationship with their parents. When man and woman marries and have kids, it is not necessary that each couple becomes good parents as well. They might not be worthy to become parents due to lack of devotion and commitment towards their role (Braeuner, 2013). There are many characteristics that one needs to acquire in order to be a good parent. These characteristics are: Acceptance to the role: One of the first characteristics required to be a good parent is the acceptance to the role. Often the first child is resented since it forces the woman to leave his career and make other sacrifices in her life while the man no longer gets time with his lady. But the new born must be given time and acceptance so that one should be called a good parent. Cultivating right habits: Second essential characteristic to be a good parent is to cultivate right habits. Pampering kids is acceptable up to a certain limit but when it starts spoiling his life then it is the right time to stop him/her. To be a good parent, it is crucial to cultivate those habits in the kid, which help him face the challenges in life. It is said that parenthood is a full time job and creating right atmosphere at home is highly essential to prepare kid for life (Palumbo, 2013). Understand kid: Third essential quality to be a good parent is to understand your kid. During the teenage years, the kid often has many wishes and this is the time when every parent needs to turn his/her friend. The teenage is a phase in a kids life, which has a high impact on the relationship of kid and parent. It can either become sour or pleasant depending upon the understanding level of each other. It is essential that parent understand his kid like a friend so that he/she can share everything with the parent. Change with time: Fourth essential characteristic to be a good parent is to change with time. With generation, there is a high need that parents upgrade them with time and cope up with the preferences of their kids. When they will change with time, it is only then, they will be able to understand their kid well. Balance your life: Fifth crucial quality to be a good parent is to balance your personal and professional life in case mother and father are working. Kids require spending quality time with their each parent to understand and feel the warmth of love (Family Doctor, 2012). These are some of the characteristics to be a good parent. It is believed that being a good parent is a growing process and keeps maturing with time. References Braeuner, S. (2013). What Does It Take to Be a Good Parent?. https://everydaylife.globalpost.com/good-parent-5442.html . Accessed on 27 July, 2015. Palumbo, P. (2013). Got Good Parenting? It's Not Just about Breast Milk or Extracurricular Schedules. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/momma-data/201208/got-good-parenting-its-not-just-about-breast-milk-or-extracurricular . Accessed on 27 July, 2015. Family Doctor, (2012). Parenting Tips. https://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/kids/parenting/parenting-tips.html . Accessed on 27 July, 2015.

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